Would You Have Supported The American Revolution?
Reflections on the present in light of the past, by guest author McKenzie Franklin
“How would I have felt if I was living in 1776? Would I have been on the “right” side of history? But then, didn’t both sides think they were on the right side?”
The American election is big news right now.
At the time of writing, it is eleven days until Trump’s inauguration as the 47th president of the United States of America. Opinions are white-hot and sharply divided.
The Society of History Writers is not a community that pushes a particular political view, but it is a community that encourages understanding the present in light of the past.
That’s why I’m delighted to share this week’s guest article, written by
at . Usually a historian of the modern British royal family, McKenzie first wrote this article at the time of the election in November 2024, inviting readers to discuss (graciously and with respect, the core tenets of historical debate) how they might have navigated the American Revolution of the late eighteenth century.McKenzie has very kindly agreed to share her article with readers of the Society of History Writers and extends that same welcome to discussion towards the end of the post.
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Would You Have Supported The American Revolution?
McKenzie Franklin
Right now in America, we are undergoing an undeniable change in our culture and political landscape. There is a shifting in the political parties, and while in some cases Americans are very divided, I am also seeing a new sense of unity and energy emerge that I feel has been lacking in our culture for quite some time. It has been truly interesting to watch prominent and lifelong Democratic Party members now find common values with Republicans, and vice versa.
We are also seeing our news and media landscape change completely with independent journalists raking in millions upon millions of engaged viewers/listeners, and our mainstream news channels hitting all time lows.
If the media industry is a river, information has now leaked out and formed several tributaries that the people are flocking to, rather than the main river itself.
As a history lover, it is amazing to be bearing witness to these events because I know that whatever the outcome, this will be a very notable time in American History. While recently reflecting on this, it made me look back to the founding of our nation….
Even though they are almost always depicted as old men, most of the founders of our country were actually very young in 1776.
(I won’t lie, this was an absolute shock to me, an American kid, when I learned it)
The average age of the signers of the Declaration of Independence was 44 with more than twelve of them being below the age of 35.
Even more shocking, our most famous Founding Fathers were also incredibly young. Thomas Jefferson was 33, James Madison was 25, Alexander Hamilton was 21, Aaron Burr was 20, and James Monroe only 18.
As for the old men, Benjamin Franklin was 70 (but absolutely wild), George Washington was 44, John Adams was 40 and Paul Revere 41… Again, not all that old.

It made me wonder, if my youngest brother and his friends were leading a radical political movement, would people get behind them in numbers large enough to overthrow the all-powerful British Government? (I’m not sure I would! Ha!) On the other hand, perhaps because they were such young men, they were the ones that had the right mix of foolhardiness and inspiration to actually lead a seemingly insurmountable movement that many secretly supported.
Of course, in Colonial America there was enough popular support for the Revolution, and similar to today, word about the Revolution did spread outside of the mainstream news. Opposing the Revolutionaries, there was a large number of British Loyalists that wanted to stick with the comfortable or at least “known” institutions.
I think that most Americans today would like to think they would have been a diehard supporter of the American Revolution…
But when you think of it in today’s terms (following the lead of a bunch of 25-year-old men), would you really have? Would you have stepped away from what you knew, (even if it seemed mildly oppressive) and supported a band of 25 year old men and their wild friend Ben Franklin?
I am a descendent of colonists who did in fact fight the British Army in the American Revolution and I just can’t help asking myself, how would I have felt if I was living in 1776? Would I have been on the “right” side of history? But then, didn’t both sides think they were on the right side? And isn’t that the exact same case in America (or anywhere else) today?
I would love to hear your thoughts on these types of political adjustments now and throughout history.
How do you predict this time will be looked back upon in the future? For my British/European friends, what are you all taught about the American Revolution in school? What does America look like right now? Do you see realignments happening in your own country too?
I can’t wait to see what everyone has to say, so please join in! Also, please keep in mind, this is not a place for political policy debate or anything like that, but this is more a prompt to look back into history and compare it with today, and then to have a thoughtful and interesting discussion.
Like you, I have ancestors who were Minutemen, served in various capacities in support of the American cause - and I may have one or more who were Loyalists and moved to Canada after Independence was won. So I like to think I would have followed those ancestors who supported independence but the me who lived then wouldn't be exactly like the me who lives now so it's hard to be definitive.
Born British, now an American... Back in the 70s, we were definitely taught to think of the two sides as "rebels" and "loyalists". The Americans were a rag-tag bunch of ungrateful upstart colonials who overthrew a legitimate government because they didn't want to pay their fair share of taxes or support the heroic army that was protecting them from the Indians, the French, and other marauders.
I have a somewhat different perspective since moving to the US 15 years ago. Definitely more along the lines of "both sides had a point, but on balance, America was much better off without the Brits."