Why do we have trees at Christmas?
'A History of Christmas Trees' by guest author Mariella Hunt
When I received a pitch for an article on Christmas trees, I quite literally jumped for joy.
If you’re new here, the Society of History Writers is founded upon the principle of collaboration - so I often receive pitches for guest articles. It’s the ONLY space on Substack dedicated to bringing writers of history and historical fiction together to share their experience, grow in their craft, and share their writing exclusively with a growing worldwide audience. I am honoured to provide this space to spotlight your writing and share it with colleagues and readers across the world.
So what’s the deal with the Christmas trees?
I’d planned to take a two-week break from posting over the Christmas period, so there was nothing in the Google Sheets Calendar apart from the words ‘week off for Christmas’.
Why, then, was I delighted that my week off would be no more?
Because it meant that the only slot available for publishing was Christmas Eve.
Christmas Eve! And Christmas trees! I couldn’t have planned it better myself.
So, without further ado, our guest writer for today…
Mariella Hunt lives in the Treasure Valley, where she writes fantasy novels and historical articles. In 2023, her Ladies of the Sea book series began. She is in the process of releasing The Graveyard House serially on Substack, and plans to publish it in book form by late 2025. Her instagram handle is @mariellahunt, and you can find out more about her and her books at the links below.
A History of Christmas Trees
Mariella Hunt
Charles Dickens is often referred to as the man who invented Christmas. This is because of the staggering popularity generated by his novel, A Christmas Carol. First published in 1843, it is a story of self-reflection and sacrifice, inviting us to be kind to our neighbors every day, not only on the December holiday.
A Christmas Carol has been adapted into several movies in which we can see how the Victorians celebrated Christmas. The modern viewer might find some of these traditions bizarre, such as yule logs and oranges on Christmas morning. Ironically, the Christmas tradition we are most familiar with—the majestic Christmas tree—is not mentioned in A Christmas Carol. That doesn’t mean it was not popular at the time when Dickens wrote it.

Yule logs and oranges have waned in popularity, as far as Christmas traditions go. We can always count on seeing the Christmas tree, however; even nonreligious families can enjoy setting one up as the days grow colder, adding ornaments and creating memories. From compact ‘office decor’ trees to the towering Rockefeller Tree, it’s become a symbol of holiday cheer.
Where did this symbol of Christmas originate, and how did it gain such popularity, when even ‘the man who invented Christmas’ did not use one in his book?
Trees have been used by many civilizations in their celebrations. What we now know as the Christmas tree likely adapted from an instinct that has been alive in us for centuries, the instinct to venerate nature. Humans have always passed traditions through the generations, adding unique touches to make them familiar.
I do not believe this makes those customs any less special. Rather, it gives trees and nature the relevance they deserve.
According to History.com, the earliest known use of trees in special seasons was recorded in Ancient Egypt. The Ancient Egyptians worshiped a god called Ra, who had the head of a hawk. Ra was believed to become sick during the colder months; the solstice marked his recovery. To celebrate this triumph, Ancient Egyptians would fill their homes with palms and papyrus reeds.
Vikings revered evergreen mistletoe for the role they believed it played in the death of the Balder, a god of light.
In Northern Europe, Druids decorated their temples with evergreens to symbolize everlasting life.
All civilizations have loved nature; it’s not a surprise that, as Christianity gained popularity, most believers made a special place in their homes for the tree. We can assume that German and English settlers kept this tradition alive in the New World. Families ventured into vast, unexplored forests. They picked the most glorious tree and brought it home with them.
How did this love for the Christmas Tree become what it is today? How did a star come to rest on its bough?
Before Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol, the tree had become a staple in Victorian holiday celebrations. Dickens might have contributed to a resurgence of the Christmas spirit (or three, if you read his story), but he did not invent the tree.
The Christmas Tree as we know it originated in Germany, where a tradition began in the sixteenth century. Devout German Christians brought trees into their homes during the Advent season.
The story of St. Boniface might have had something to do with it. He was an English missionary who lived in 723AD. When he encountered a group of Pagans performing a sacrifice at an oak tree, he took an ax and cut it down. He then declared that the evergreen was to be their “holy tree.” The custom of a “holy tree” gained momentum among Germans. People found creative ways to decorate their trees, making homemade ornaments and long strings of candy.
In England, its popularity skyrocketed when Queen Victoria married a German-born prince. We already know that the Victorian era saw many changes in society. Perhaps the happiest of these was the introduction by Prince Albert of the Christmas tree, making it a seasonal friend in every believer’s home.
In 1848, an illustration appeared in a periodical depicting the Royal Family around a decorated tree. When that periodical reached the hands of the public, trees began to spring up at family hearths as if they had been planted there!
Now endorsed by Queen Victoria, the Christmas Tree became a statement. It was fashionable for everybody to include a tree in their festivities. From humble, crooked trees to towering evergreens, most practising Christian homes became part of a small forest.
What about the other traditions that come with the Christmas Tree?
In the end, what matters is the spirit of the holiday. What matters is the good times shared and love exchanged, whether there are gift-bags or not.
Most families did not place a tree in their sitting room and leave it bare. The adorning of the evergreen became a ceremony in its own right. Families bonded over this ritual, ensuring that, while every house in the neighborhood might have its own tree, no two trees were the same.
Let us start with the tree topper, which most commonly takes the form of a star. The star on top of a Christmas Tree derives from the Bible. This acknowledges the story of how the Magi followed a star to find the Christ-child. Some families prefer to place angels on top of their tree, usually a nod to the Archangel Gabriel, who announced to Mary that she would give birth to the Savior. (The irony is that Christ was not born during winter-time—but we won’t allow that knowledge to spoil the fun!)
What about the custom of presents under the tree? Is there a purpose for this tradition, aside from the fact that such a sight is aesthetically pleasing? The truth is that not all countries place gifts under the trees. Indeed, not all countries open gifts on Christmas at all! Some wait until January 6, the Epiphany, to tear into the wrapping paper and discover what it conceals.
Of course, we cannot forget the bearded visitor children are taught slides down the chimney every Christmas Eve. Santa Claus is often credited for the appearance of gifts under the tree. This man in his red coat is a (very, very distant) caricature of St. Nicholas, a bishop who lived in Myra in the fourth century.
Revered as the patron saint of children, St. Nicholas was known for his generosity. One story claims that he gave three dowries of gold to girls who would have otherwise been left to languish in desperate poverty. However, St. Nicholas did not wrap presents or adorn boxes with ribbons. Those attributes were given to him over time by advertisements and department stores.
Most surviving Christmas traditions were created by the hand of commerce.
After all, Christmas is the most commercialized holiday of the year; stores are packed with shoppers who feel an obligation to buy expensive presents.
Though this is a far cry from the origin of the holiday, this commercial aspect of Christmas is the most persistent.
Most families don’t have dozens of huge, gift-wrapped boxes waiting; some families are too poor to exchange gifts at all. In the end, what matters is the spirit of the holiday. What matters is the good times shared and love exchanged, whether there are gift-bags or not.
Though the Christmas Tree is arguably the most popular holiday tradition these days, it’s not the only one still in existence. Christmas cookies, cards, and (more recently) photos are exchanged. The photos are used to capture cheerful moments so that we can revisit them years later.
Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, I hope that you learned something new after reading this post.
I certainly did! It’s no surprise to me that the tree is and always has been important to the human spirit. Let Christmas trees adorn homes for the holidays for many centuries to come.
How Did the Tradition of Christmas Trees Start? | Britannica
Amazon.com: Inventing Scrooge eBook : DeVito, Carlo: Kindle Store
What Christmas traditions do you keep? Are they as ancient as Christmas trees or modern like photographs?
Mariella and I would love to hear your experiences in the comments, as well as any other reflections you have on the history of the Christmas tree.
If you enjoyed this article, here are our top three guest posts from 2024.
We’ll be back on Tuesday 7th January with our first guest article of the new year.