Colophon, the city where Arachne wove, lies near İzmir. It's a hillside full of rubble now, but I have explored it several times. I retold the myth recently, noting the sexual violence portrayed in her tapestry and wondering if it (and her contempt for gods) tied with her own family's history. Here's my version if you're interested
An intriguing idea. (I also liked your description of 'Zeus (prat)' - made me smile, and I certainly can't argue!) What an interesting topic to write your dissertation on too.
That hubris will do you in every time. It's good for Arachne that Athena, like most of those gods, couldn't make up their minds--be really mean or not so mean. These contests between humans and Eternals never fail to make for entertaining reads. Great post.
Ovid came up with the Arachne myth? Why not? It may have been the fantasy literature of the day.
Colophon, the city where Arachne wove, lies near İzmir. It's a hillside full of rubble now, but I have explored it several times. I retold the myth recently, noting the sexual violence portrayed in her tapestry and wondering if it (and her contempt for gods) tied with her own family's history. Here's my version if you're interested
An intriguing idea. (I also liked your description of 'Zeus (prat)' - made me smile, and I certainly can't argue!) What an interesting topic to write your dissertation on too.
That hubris will do you in every time. It's good for Arachne that Athena, like most of those gods, couldn't make up their minds--be really mean or not so mean. These contests between humans and Eternals never fail to make for entertaining reads. Great post.
Super interesting and great storytelling! Thanks for sharing!