


Single instalments only

  • Short stories

  • Flash fiction

  • Novel excerpts

Non Fiction

  • Essays

Media Reviews

  • Books

  • TV Shows

  • Films

  • Exhibitions


Not following all guidelines will result in automatic disqualification.

All submissions of historical content will be considered for publication. Priority consideration is given to subscribers of


Submissions must be complete and in English to be considered. If you would like to discuss a pitch before committing to writing, please email

Non-fiction pieces should be 900-1500 words. Fiction pieces should not exceed 3000 words.

  • Only one submission per submission period is permitted.

  • Submissions should be your original work and previously unpublished.

  • Include your full name on the first page of your document.

  • In the email subject line, put in all caps โ€˜[CATEGORY] SUBMISSIONโ€™. For example, โ€˜FICTION SUBMISSIONโ€™.

  • Include a brief bio (about 100 words) in the body of your email, including your work within the field of history (even if thatโ€™s just a passing interest or a budding Substack page). Note any links to your Substack or social media.

  • For fiction and non fiction, indicate the following:

    • Title

    • Word count

    • Subgenre

    • Brief synopsis (1-2 sentences)

  • For media reviews, indicate the following:

    • Title

    • Word count

    • Type of media being reviewed

    • Title of the work being reviewed

    • Creator(s) of the work being reviewed

    • Year of release/publication of the reviewed work

    • Brief description of the reviewโ€™s argument

Exclusivity: I request exclusive first publication rights for accepted pieces for a period of four weeks. After this period, all rights revert back to the author to do with the piece as you wish.

Response Time: I am to respond to all submissions within four weeks.

Send your submissions, pitches and queries to: