Anon Swan by
. Fictionalised account based on the life and writings of Mary Sidney Herbert, Countess of Pembroke, sister of Philip Sidney and on the premise that she was the author of the works attributed to William Shakespeare.Blinded by the Eclipse by Arash Septim: a brand-new publication!
Both Sides of the Same Coin by
. Join the journey of four immigrant families as they chase their dreams and navigate to trials and tribulations of life during the mid-20th century. Witnessed the power of perseverance and determination as these four families come together to build a business empire, overcome personal struggle, tragedy, and give back to the community. Michael’s book can be bought from Susan Nolen. Ideas about history, historical fiction, and writing.
Grim Acres by
. Exploring the space where HP Lovecraft and World War 2
. Historical Fiction stories, articles and author spotlights.Historical Fantasy
. A mix of short stories, book excerpts, articles on research, plus two separate sections: one for a serialization of one of my novels; one for a retelling of Beowulf. You can read more of Marian’s work at the link below:by
. Serialized speculative and historical fiction about second chances and doing things the hard way. Mostly 20th/21st century settings.Jillian Forsberg’s Substack by
. I write about historical animals, rejection, writing. Jillian’s novel The Rhino Keeper, an eighteenth-century historical fiction, can be bought HERE.Kate Baker Tells a Story by Kate Baker. Musings of a debut historical fiction author who is trying to remember how to do it while Book 2 takes shape. Kate has a published book called Maid Of Steel, set in 1911/12. What do Brooklyn Bridge, Titanic and a suffragette have in common? They're all made of steel. Irish politics/forbidden romance and a cameo from the unsinkable ship.
. A place for historical fiction and other adventures from off the beaten
. Random musings and confessions by a historical fiction author. For more of Alistair’s work, check out Sea of Flames, Libertas, Vipers of Rome, Line in the Sand (all Sapere Books 2024) with more scheduled for 2025 onwards. Available on Amazon or via
. Medieval historical fiction, medieval historical romance, pre-revolutionary Boston (in outline). Writing Romance and History in a Cottage of Stone on a Grassy Windswept Knoll.On the Road to Jericho: A Novel by
. (Break). Rise. Thrive. Repeat. Stories of adventure, misadventure and hope in South Africa, the Middle East and beyond. Sue’s novel has just started releasing on Substack - and keep your eyes peeled on the for a couple of guest appearances in the coming months!by
. Journey into the world of ancient Scythian nomads—fierce warriors, mystic traditions, and power struggles—in The Steppe Saga, a historical fiction series paired with bold indie fiction and essays exploring ancient cultures, myths, and more. You can dive into more of J. M. Elliott’s work, specifically around book editing, at the link Fiona Forsyth. Writing about writing about Ancient Rome. Fiona has five historical novels set in Ancient Rome, available outside of Substack.
Stories All the Way Down by G. M. Baker by
. Serious popular fiction in theory and practice. You can find an up-to-date list of published books at the link below:by
. All the research that I can't fit into the historical note at the end of my 1920s-set mystery novels. Anna has seven novels and counting! See for more.TOAP by
. A mix of late 20th century historical fiction, book recommendations and interviews with writers on writing. You can find more of Ingrid’s work at the link below:by
. Windflower is a Catholic publication focusing on fashion history and design, fantasy and science-fantasy fiction, and occasional historical fiction.
Thank you for including me in your directory!
Thank you Holly, you are doing a great thing here, I look forward to being a part of it.